In other news, the "big" Labor Day plans include:
- sleepover at our house with sister and cousin
- painting bedroom furniture
- DH working on Monday (while not a good vacation thing, this does mean more knitting time for me!)
I do however have some more FOs to post in the side bar, but for interest's sake, I'll post them here as well. Please excuse the terrible photos, I really need a new camera :)
Gramma's V-neck
This was actually originally made for me, but then I lost weight and it was too big, and since Gramma liked it, it is now hers :) Don't tell her I posted her picture, she'll get mad. By the way, that is Buttons on the couch - she's not normally allowed up there, but for picture purposes, it was OK. :)
P's SweaterI'm actually pretty proud of this one - this is the first sweater I started, second finished because I had to special order an orange zipper - who knew? But it has the cables, and the zipper (which I'm sure I didn't sew in correctly, but it's not moving that's for sure). The important thing is P likes it, so all is well. :) [P is my sister by the way]
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