Fun Stuff

Lu from Full Thread Ahead sent me the picture she took at the Yarn Harlot event! Through that door on the far right is the huge group of knitters, and apparently (because she popped out on the balcony at one point) Stephanie was hiding in that upstairs area while everyone filed in.

I really love the store - it's very open and easy to get around and see things. So many beautiful cubbies of yarny goodness!!!

I did notice though, that I need to re-focus my efforts on the weight-loss regime. sigh

Much progress has been made on the job front! YAY! I've got a phone interview at 3:00pm today!!! WOOOHOO!!! keep the good vibes coming, they are WORKING!

thanks guys!


Jofrog said...

Yeah for the phone interview! I hope it went well. I'm so glad to hear that there have been so many promising prospects so quickly! Phew!

Anonymous said...

You are adorable! You look so happy in that photo.
Glad to hear about the phone interview. I hope it went really well!

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