
Well, I have not gone down the drain (as my gramma used to say when I'd stay in the bath too long as a kid). I'm here, I've just been completely overwhelmed with things happening all the time! I am really looking forward to just CHILLING OUT! sheesh!

Muggsy is awesome, but an extra time commitment of course. I think he appreciates a walk in the evenings more than the pictures I would post of him on the blog - especially since I don't think dogs can see in 2D...

He really likes to tear around through the backyard...

...and eat grass when I'm not looking

Knitting Content!

There are more finished objects!!!

First off, some new baby beanies...

This one is the "I think I'll try the picot cast-on... ok that was OK, but now it needs something, how about some eyelets?... maybe it needs some color" version. I'm not sure. I think I should have just stuck with the one color. oh well.

Secondly, a sweater - it's small, but it's still a sweater!

Modelled here by the lovely mom-to-be (now official mom), this is the free Bernat Baby Coordinates hoodie pattern.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the pictures are a little better. That's because for my birthday, my wonderful hubby gave me a new camera! I'm still learning the settings, but it seems to take MUCH better just-point-and-shoot pictures than the old one, and (this part is amazing) pays attention when I want to take a detailed photo!!!

More news tomorrow - I'm off to more knitting! :)


JulieFrick said...

I LOVE this little hat! I think you made great choices, no matter how "random" they were!

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