Blocking - simple raglan cardigan

I did finally get around to blocking, sewing, and knitting the button bands for this simple raglan cardigan. I only have the sleeve-blocking photo to share at the moment, and it's too dark now to take more pictures, but I'll get it eventually :) Of course, now that it's almost done, I think it's too big for me. If I can't get it to shrink right in the wash, it will have to be another gifty... :) gifts are good though - one less Christmas gift to knit, right?

Hannah's shrug

Hannah's shrug
Originally uploaded by megbertapelle
This one was the I'm-putting-off-blocking-and-sewing-up-the-really-huge-sweater-for-me project. Very quick and easy - hopefully it will be cute on, when Hannah gets big enough. She is the cutest baby ever though, so she probably can make ANYTHING look cute :)

Raglan baby sweater

Originally uploaded by megbertapelle
Another of those things that's been done for a while... and no, I haven't figured out how to blog more than 1 photo at a time from Flickr... :)

This is for my new cousin, and was fun to make - I like the color combinations on this yarn. It's Sugar & Cream, but I forget the colorway - and I gave away the leftovers to a friend who's learning to knit! yay! :) I added the little heart on the front as purl stitches, then did a chain-stitch embroidery around the edge (not very well) with a cotton embroidery floss.

She has received her gift, and I am told she loved it, but of course, newborns aren't picky! hehehehe

"L" Sweater

"L" Sweater
"L" Sweater,
originally uploaded by megbertapelle.
A little something made for my cousin L. She is a cutie-patootie, and this sweater should fit her when fall rolls around. It's a size 2T I think... From the "Double Scoop" pattern, in Red Heart Hokey Pokey. I didn't even realize that the orange stripes didn't match on the arms until L's mom pointed it out - hehehehe - OOPS! Oh well, it's artistic license, right?

Updates - long overdue

Wow, I know, this is pretty ridiculous that I haven't blogged in months... but! I've gotten some knitting done! :) This is a baby hat I just started while blocking sweater pieces for a sweater for me! :) I'm using Flickr now, so I don't have to upload a ton of photos each time I want to blog - hopefully that will make things quicker all around.. we'll see. I've got to figure out how to blog more than one photo at a time. In the meantime, I think the link on this photo will bring you to my "Projects" photo set. I'm going to see if I can get the photos of everything else I've been working on all in one more post... :)
KnitPicks "Palette" - Tidepool Heather,
originally uploaded by megbertapelle.