Raglan baby sweater

Originally uploaded by megbertapelle
Another of those things that's been done for a while... and no, I haven't figured out how to blog more than 1 photo at a time from Flickr... :)

This is for my new cousin, and was fun to make - I like the color combinations on this yarn. It's Sugar & Cream, but I forget the colorway - and I gave away the leftovers to a friend who's learning to knit! yay! :) I added the little heart on the front as purl stitches, then did a chain-stitch embroidery around the edge (not very well) with a cotton embroidery floss.

She has received her gift, and I am told she loved it, but of course, newborns aren't picky! hehehehe


aimee noel said...

Ohhh, those colors are lovely! I'll have to try and find that colorway, I love sugar & cream.

The only way I know how to blog more than one picture from flickr is to just grab the differnt codes from the "all sizes" link.

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